Insight on Demonstrating Value

The SEC’s perspectives on communicating value and building influence.

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Measuring Value

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Measuring Value

Insight on Demonstrating Value

Security Barometer - How Do You Know Executive Management Values Security

Some security functions in an organization readily “feel the love” from executive management while others seem to miss out on these readily visible demonstrations of support. In this Security Barometer quick poll, we are investigating how executive management demonstrates its recognition that security is adding business value to the organization.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

SEC Security Success Universe Abbreviated Assessment

Take the SEC's abbreviated Security Success Universe Assessment to ascertain where you score compared to your peers on key success factors.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Five Free Assessments to Measure Program Success

When senior management asks you to explain how well the Security function operates, how it delivers value, or how it measures up, do you have data to back up your answer? If not, the SEC has 5 free abbreviated assessments that can start you on the path to measured success.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Cost of Loss Due to Security Incidents Elusive

Insights gathered from a survey investigating organizational cost of loss.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Measures and Metrics in Corporate Security

How good is your security program? By what ruler do you measure security’s effectiveness, efficiency, or success? How do you explain and prove this success to the rest of the organization? Strong metrics can communicate security’s value, results, and return on investment in a language all other functions can embrace...
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Discovering the Total Cost of Security (Parts 1-4)

In this presentation, the late Dick Lefler, SEC emeritus faculty, discusses what security actually costs a company, not just what is in Security's budget.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Security State of the Industry (SSoI): Measuring Security Leader and Program Value Potential and its Relation to Being Valued by the Business

After the Next Crisis Happens, Will You be Ready to Quickly Explain Security’s Value to the Business?
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Finding Value in Security Benchmarking: The Current State of Comparison Research in the Security Industry

Benchmarking compares practices or processes against others to evaluate quality and resource allocations such as personnel or costs. It is also used to ascertain practices or processes that others are doing well and that may fill a known gap in the sponsoring organization.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

"Garbage In" Can Cost You Your Job

We recently conducted a poll on our Web site asking visitors the question, "What in your organization is putting your continued employment at greatest risk?"If you don’t start with high-quality ingredients, you’re not going to get high-quality results.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Faculty Advisor: Demonstrating Security’s Contribution to Organizational Goals

How can we identify and highlight the programs, services and positive outcomes that Security brings to help meet the organization’s business goal? In particular, we are seeking an increased understanding and appreciation by senior management and other key stakeholders of security’s value and contribution to the bottom line.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Demonstrating the Value Security Brings to the Organization

SEC survey results provide insight into the large number of methods and techniques that contribute to demonstrating value.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Faculty Advisor: Using Value Metrics to Make the Case for Security’s Return on Investment

We always strive to show the business side that corporate security is more than just “security tactics.” That what we do is strategic and makes a business contribution. Any thoughts on this?
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Faculty Advisor: Demonstrating That Security is Not Just an Expense

Security is usually considered a cost-center. But some of the things we do prevent unacceptable risks from occurring, which technically is saving money. Is there any thing we can do to demonstrate how we add to the bottom line?
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Enterprise Security Metrics: A Snapshot Assessment of Practices

This SEC report provides an assessment of the current use of metrics in corporate security management.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Defining the Value of Security's Accomplishments

Here are some example slides that have been successful in helping define and present the value Security is bringing to the organization.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Measuring and Communicating Security's Value

This book builds on George Campbell’s Measures and Metrics in Corporate Security. While Measures and Metrics guides you through creating a meaningful security metrics program, Measuring and Communicating Security’s Value takes you to the next step: using the metrics you deliver to communicate quantifiable value to the organization. The book...
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