CSO Executive Council launched to facilitate the study of security challenges and the creation of new security models, tools and repeatable techniques, and to provide a forum for information sharing and networking.
Published Measures and Metrics in Corporate Security to guide leaders through the creation of a security metrics program.
Published Knowledge Corner, a vast library of security-related resources, tools, templates, and insights, available free of charge for the betterment of the security practitioner community.
Partnered with four industry magazines to expand the reach of SEC research and subject matter expertise.
Published Investigations for Non-Security Professionals book series to provide a starting point for unified investigations training throughout an organization.
Released the Next Generation Security Leader (NGSL) graphic to help corporate security leaders and their teams identify skills gaps and track their progress toward next generation security leadership.
Offered the Tier 1 Security Leader option to provide a new way for clients to engage with the SEC.
Launched Second Tuesday meetings for Tier 1s to regularly take the pulse of the community.
Established Corporate Security Knowledge Base to manage SEC resources and research findings.
Launched Faculty Advisor Q & A to provide another avenue for connection between SEC subject matter experts and the security community.
Changed name to Security Executive Council (SEC) to better align with the makeup of the council’s membership and strategic alliances.
Launched Security Insight Newsletter to share insights and findings on a global level.
Introduced the Board Level Risk concept to help companies align risks and mitigation strategies.
Launched the Security Barometer quick polls to expand the SEC’s research capability and provide fast data on single issues.
Published From One Winning Career to the Next to assist those transitioning from public-sector to private-sector security careers.
Partnered with the Foushée Group for an annual Compensation Study to assist security leaders in determining whether their compensation is adequate for their role.
Published Adding Business Value by Managing Security Risks (later retitled to The Manager's Handbook for Business Security) to help small to medium-sized businesses add security value to the company's bottom line.
Created the Security Leadership Research Institute (SLRI) to conduct independent and actionable research on the full spectrum of risk mitigation and security practices.
Created a LinkedIn company page to share SEC news and findings with a broader community.
Published Security Careers, Second Edition to give the community a thorough understanding of competitive pay practices across the security industry.
Published Not a Moment to Lose (later retitled: Influencing Enterprise Risk Mitigation) to re-shape security leaders’ understanding of and appreciation for all-hazards preparedness, both for the organization and the families that depend on it.
Created the Solution Innovation Partners program to give executives insight into security products and services that have been vetted to demonstrate real value to the business.
Partnered with Michigan State University’s CIP program to bring public and private entities together for joint crisis management by helping with training, program creation consultation and support.
Launched a YouTube channel to broadcast the expertise of SEC subject matter experts in a different medium.
Released first Corporate Security Organizational Structure, Cost of Services and Staffing Benchmark to allow organizations to compare their security budgets, security workforces, program structure, drivers and governance with others.
Released Nine Practices of the Successful Security Leader research to help security leaders identify areas to target for improvement in their programs.
Created Unified Risk Oversight concept to illustrate security’s role in enterprise risk and communication.
Conducted an online Next Generation Security Leader Development Program course for hundreds of practitioner participants across the globe to bridge the security-business gap with content developed collaboratively by security industry veterans, current practitioners, and business experts.
Partnered with University of South Carolina’s Darla Moore School of Business to unite the organizations’ expertise in business and security risk research, management, and education. Through this partnership the first corporate security case study was developed: Risk Management and Security Metrics at Boeing.
Partnered with Elsevier to create Elsevier’s Security Executive Council Risk Management Portfolio to equip security leaders and educators with research-based practical solutions for risk management programs.
Appointed first Board of Visionary Leaders to advise the SEC on emerging and significant risk and mitigation trends.
Partnered with Kennesaw State University’s Coles College of Business to build stronger links between business and corporate security training.
Published four playbooks:
Published the Personal Safety and Security Playbook as a resource for non-security personnel to share techniques to prevent crime and protect families at home and on personal travel.
Began regular State of the Industry briefings to regularly update Tier 1 leaders on emerging risks and opportunities impacting the corporate security landscape.
Launched the Next Generation GSOC Group to identify a body of "proven practices" for security operations centers and to delineate their value proposition.
Developed a Corporate Security Maturity Model to help security programs see where they fall on a continuum and close the gap toward their desired state.
Launched a COVID-19 Security Resources webpage to help security leaders transition their organizations safely through the pandemic, its deceleration, and phased recovery.
Partnered with Mercyhurst University intelligence studies program to create opportunities for private sector data analysis and intelligence studies internships, capstone research, and other joint projects.
Opened inaugural SEC security scholarship to foster continuing education and excellence in the security field.
Introduced the Security Success Universe to expand security leaders’ thinking about what their function is capable of, to help them find and analyze gaps, and to help them ensure the security program is balanced and complete.
Launched Version 4 of the SEC Website, designed to make it easier for security leaders to connect with the SEC’s vast repository of research, resources, and tools. As part of the redesign, the "Knowledge Corner" became "Insight", a new space for content created by the SEC and its subject matter experts.
Released “Security Optimization: Looking Beyond Traditional Definitions of Convergence” research report that examined how the concept of security convergence is actually occurring in organizations and what its benefits and drawbacks are. The research was later published in the journal Information and Computer Security.
Began Next Generation Security Leader (NGSL) GSOC online course to offer security leaders expert guidance on developing, maintaining, aligning, and optimizing global security operations centers.
Opened SEC/Mercyhurst University BI2 Lab to connect the SEC’s community of corporate security leaders with Mercyhurst’s School of Intelligence, Computing, & Global Politics students and faculty to coordinate research projects and data analysis internship opportunities.
Released updated Next Generation Security Leader graphic to acknowledge a shift toward cross-functional know-how and collaboration, executive-level business performance, and team leadership.
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