Insight on Program Best Practices

Security Barometer - How Secure is Your Supply Chain?

To improve their security posture, organizations are putting a greater focus on their supply chain. However, when many think of supply chain security they only think of secure trucks and logistics.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Business Continuity Playbook

The robustness of a company’s business continuity plan often decides whether it will thrive, survive, or sink. This Playbook is meant to serve as a framework to help security leaders build a business continuity program from the ground up or enhance the program that is currently in existence. The materials...
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Insight on Program Best Practices

What Makes a Comprehensive Business Continuity Program?

Security directors must be ready to show the C-suite what a strong comprehensive business continuity program looks like and how their program measures up.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

COVID-19 Security Response Tactics and Strategies to Consider for Business Resumption Plans

Created by Dan Sauvageau, SEC Subject Matter Expert. Many security departments are currently busy focusing on the immediate needs of managing their COVID-19 response plans, assessing their resources, evolving their tactics, and fielding questions from employees, executives, and other stakeholders. Some may have not had the time or opportunity to...
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Critical Incident Decision Matrix

A simple matrix can serve as a visual resource to assist in outlining and prioritizing Incident Management Team decisions.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Structured Critical Incident Response (Parts 1-4)

This four-part Structured Critical Incident Management, demonstrates how to develop and train an Incident Management Team (IMT) to protect a private-sector company during a critical incident.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Top Security Practices for a Resilient Business

A group of security leaders gathered to share lessons they have learned from challenging experiences.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

The Risk Assessment Threat Matrix and Heat Map

After identifying hazards and vulnerabilities this tool can help effectively analyze and communicate the results.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

It Happens. Are You Prepared to Respond?

This summary of an SEC Security State of the Industry briefing provides insight on preparing for and managing all types of critical incidents.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Incident Management Flowchart

The framework helps clarify that one point of contact is responsible for communicating to the various Incident teams in order to alleviate the typical flood of calls at the early stages of an incident.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

When Emotions Run High: Dealing with Stress in Crisis Management

It's important to remember that when a crisis hits a company, no matter how well prepared that company is, emotions will run high.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Management by Walking Around Gets You Ready for a Crisis

A chief security officer has to nurture, cultivate and respect relationships with internal and external partners who are essential to resolving a critical incident. One way to do so is to simply walk around.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Developing a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

What steps should I go through in order to develop/improve and implement a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to meet the specific needs of my company?
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Measures and Metrics for Business Continuity Programs

All security programs should be measured for performance. Successful security leaders have used the slides in this presentation to demonstrate the value their Business Continuity programs are delivering to their organizations.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Vendor Resilience Questionnaire

This checklist provides a good starting point to help you determine how prepared your key vendors are to quickly and effectively manage disruptions to their operations that could impact you.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Business Continuity Program Strategic Plan Cycle

BCP review and evaluation must remain connected to other company planning cycles and should be an annual strategic priority.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Four Interdependent Risk-Based Functions of Business Continuity Planning

This chart highlights the four interdependent risk-based functions of BCP: assessment of business needs and risks, and preparedness for, response to, and recovery from emergencies.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Corporate Contingency Planning Umbrella

To ensure value, an organization's BCP must align with its overall mission and purpose.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Establishing an Emergency Response Plan

Can you give me some advice on communicating with key business managers about the value of developing a coordinated response plan in advance of an incident?
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Dealing with Stress in Crisis Management When Emotions Are Running High

Managing employee emotions during a crisis event.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Preparing for Crises Beforehand

Questions to ask before the next crisis.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Business Continuity and You - Tips, Tales, and Tools

Business continuity planning identifies potential risks and the resources needed to provide effective assessment, preparedness, response, and recovery from those risks.
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