Insight on Program Best Practices

The SEC’s perspectives on security program development and enhancement.

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Insight on Program Best Practices

Beyond Optimization: Rebalancing Guard Force with Technology Can Be a Win-Win Solution

Organizations, whether they engage contract guard services or hire officers directly, are feeling the impact of labor shortages and high turnover rates. Augmenting with the right types of technology in the right applications can help organizations find a better balance between cost and man hours.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

What Should Be Included in Your Guard Force Service Agreement?

One way to ensure the uniformed security force budget is effectively and efficiently spent is to carefully craft the service agreement, starting from the very beginning of the vendor selection process.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: How to Assess Security Vendors for the Best Outcome

Contracting with a vendor that can't meet your needs is a costly error, and often an avoidable one. An SEC Subject Matter Expert in Supply Chain Security weighs in on what you can do to ensure you get the right solution outcome from your vendor.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Optimize Security Forces for Cost Savings and Quality Assurance

A security department’s guard force or uniformed security officer program is frequently one of the priciest line items in the function’s budget. For that reason, it’s also one of the programs most frequently targeted in budget reductions.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Operational Excellence in Contract Security Performance Measurement

The focus in this paper is on measuring the performance of security service providers. The Security Executive Council believes that there needs to be a more in-depth consideration of what constitutes "excellence" in these operations given the consistent growth of outsourcing to guard service companies.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Uniformed Security Officer Programs Under Fire

In this Security Barometer the SEC investigated the effect that the constant pressure to cut costs while increasing effectiveness has on uniformed security officer programs.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Security Contract Compliance Auditing

Contracts with product and service suppliers are an integral part of many corporate security service delivery programs; in fact, many companies spend millions of dollars annually for thousands of hours of service from contract guard vendors.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Measuring Guard Force Operations

One of the largest line items in most corporate security budgets is security operations, or guard force costs. I am often amazed at the answers I get when I ask, “What metrics do you have for these activities?”
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Showing the ROI of Contract Security Forces

A thoughtful security manager in Arizona once e-mailed me the following in response to one of my regular columns on security metrics: “I can’t think of a more relevant issue for physical security than a series of metrics regarding contract security costs...
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Contract Security Challenges and Strategies: Part II

The KPIs currently used by my company to assess security services have been in place for years and the value of the information is questionable. What are the best quantifiable KPI measurements to demonstrate the value of our security contract as well as evaluate the performance of the security officers? How can I use the information to improve my overall contract security program?
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Contract Security Challenges and Strategies: Part I

Our annual spending for uniformed security officers is nearly 80 percent of my total budget. Senior leadership is always looking at the budget and whenever we have a cost-reduction initiative, security is one of the top three expenses challenged. How can I make sure that I have the right contract in place at the best price?
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