Insight on Program Best Practices

The SEC’s perspectives on security program development and enhancement.

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Insight on Program Best Practices

Security Optimization - Looking Beyond Traditional Definitions of Convergence

It's long been a common assumption in security that most high-performing and successful security functions operate within a "converged" structure, with corporate and cyber security reporting to a single security or risk executive. But is that assumption true?
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Insight on Program Best Practices

The State of Security Convergence

Are preconceptions about the convergence of corporate and cyber security accurate in practice?
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Faculty Advisor: Screen Vendors Continuously and Comprehensively

My security function has been tasked with establishing screening protocols for the vendors and service providers bidding for our company’s contracts. How far should this screening extend? What should be included?
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Physical Security Strategy and Process Playbook

The Physical Security Strategy and Process Playbook concisely and comprehensively lays out the requirements of physical security management as a critical part of sound business management. The book includes an explanation of basic physical security concepts; a description of the probable security risks for more than 40 functional areas in...
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Security Barometer Results: Do Cyber and Corporate Security Work Together in Your Organization?

Both cyber/information security and corporate/physical security have roles to play in protecting and securing the organization.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Access Control Fundamentals

One of the recurring themes of discussion amongst security leaders regarding COVID-19 has been the use of access control systems and procedures to mitigate spread.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Workplace Security Playbook: The New Manager’s Guide to Security Risk

When an employee without a security background is charged with the protection of people, facilities, or assets, he or she may have a hard time finding resources to help them develop policies and procedures and make solid protection decisions. The Workplace Security Playbook is designed to act as a reference...
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Event Risk Analysis Template

Use this template to identify and organize risk factors to help your organization make informed event security decisions.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Site Risk Assessment Scoring Template

After conducting risk assessments at each of your sites you should think about how to analyze and communicate the results.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Physical Security: Assessing the Needs of Your Business

In order to build a security system that works for business, the needs of that business must first be assessed.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Working with Customers for Better Access Control

Access management is a core safeguard. Understand the range of risks driving this set of safeguards and work with your customers to tailor the protection strategy for results.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Nuisance Alarms Are More than a Nuisance

Frequent false alarms are not only a nuisance but could result in a lack of confidence by first responders who may start to distrust the validity of a call to that location, as well as cause additional costs to the company.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Measuring Awareness of Access Control Responsibilities

Two key measures of the effectiveness of a security program are (1) how well security communicates the security responsibilities it expects employees to meet; and (2) the affirmation that those expectations are being met.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Site Risk/Threat Assessment Ranking Template

This template was designed to assist security leaders in ranking risk and mitigation priorities, which is one fundamental part of a comprehensive risk management strategy.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

Facility Criticality and Mitigations Option Tool

The SEC developed this Criticality/Mitigation Options tool to provide security leaders with an organized, visual format for communicating the security organization's perception of risk levels and mitigation options.
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Insight on Program Best Practices

The Essentials of a Physical Security Systems Risk Assessment

This brief guide includes identifying goals, assessing the needs of the business, and combining the fundamental elements of security into a coherent assessment of risk.
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