Insight on Security Metrics

The SEC’s perspectives on KPIs and business alignment.

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Insight on Security Metrics

Business Alliances and Security's Due Diligence

These are eight factors that the security organization should consider in its evaluation of a prospective business alliance.
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Insight on Security Metrics

The Risks of Outsourcing Information Security

Don't overlook the risks that accrue due to the loss of effective business controls over sensitive activities, particularly those associated with information infrastructure and vital information assets.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Threat Assessment: Measuring Likelihood

When you think about security threats to your business, which do you think are likely to manifest? What are the probabilities of a specific type of event occurring at a particular location? How do you convey your concerns to management without sounding like Chicken Little yelling that the sky is falling?
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Insight on Security Metrics

Increase Influence and Protection through Proactive Risk Assessments

We security professionals cannot sit back and wait for an incident to happen. We are paid to anticipate risk and engage in preventative activities that will eliminate hazards or minimize the impact on business operations and employee safety.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Incident Analysis Identifies Business Practice Risk

Knowledgeable insiders are a serious threat to an organization, since they live inside protective measures. They have a unique understanding of the company's vulnerabilities and know how to use them to their own advantage.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Leading Indicators

A leading indicator signals a future event — it measures the current state of the market or the business, as well as the future state, in the form of already planned or projected changes. In our world, leading indicators signal future risk of security-related events.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Build a Risk Indicator Dashboard

Objective: Provide a single display of the key information a manager needs to monitor a set of measures and effectively communicate the status of those measures.
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Insight on Security Metrics

The Risk-Aware Organization

Security practitioners often equate security awareness programs with posters in break rooms, intranet alerts and informative brochures on the risk of the month. While these media serve a useful purpose, Security’s risk awareness strategy must be significantly more disciplined and structured than a periodic communication exercise.
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Insight on Security Metrics

A Risk Quantification Process

Having a list of security-related business risks and their associated countermeasures is an essential part of the risk management process.
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