Insight on Security Metrics

The SEC’s perspectives on KPIs and business alignment.

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Insight on Security Metrics

The Risk-Aware Organization

Security practitioners often equate security awareness programs with posters in break rooms, intranet alerts and informative brochures on the risk of the month. While these media serve a useful purpose, Security’s risk awareness strategy must be significantly more disciplined and structured than a periodic communication exercise.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Measuring Awareness of Access Control Responsibilities

Two key measures of the effectiveness of a security program are (1) how well security communicates the security responsibilities it expects employees to meet; and (2) the affirmation that those expectations are being met.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Create A Security Awareness Dashboard

One of the fundamental obligations we have in corporate security is to understand the potential for “what if” and communicate our knowledge and concerns both to those who could be affected and to those who have accountability for protecting the assets of the enterprise.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Empower Critical Business Process Owners Through Awareness

Security has a unique perspective on risk that comes from gathering, analyzing and understanding threat and risk data. This insight obligates us to make our customers aware of the risks that could affect them, especially when those customers control the most sensitive and essential business processes in our companies.
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