Insight on Security Metrics

The SEC’s perspectives on KPIs and business alignment.

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Insight on Security Metrics

Key Performance Indicators in Security

Incorporating key performance indicators (KPI) into a robust security metrics program can keep your program moving toward meaningful, business-aligned goals, and improve your confidence and influence with senior management.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Measures and Metrics in Corporate Security

How good is your security program? By what ruler do you measure security’s effectiveness, efficiency, or success? How do you explain and prove this success to the rest of the organization? Strong metrics can communicate security’s value, results, and return on investment in a language all other functions can embrace...
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Insight on Security Metrics

Building a Security Measures and Metrics Program, Parts 1-7

Metrics provide invaluable insight on program effectiveness, the means to influence business strategy and policy, and the ability to demonstrate the value of security services to business leaders.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Faculty Advisor: Defining Your Top Security Metrics

What should your top security metrics be?
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Insight on Security Metrics

Good Metrics Tell a Story

Good metrics demand a story. The story reveals the lesson, the learning from the conclusions drawn by analysis of the data. Like any good story, you have to know your audience and select your theme to connect with their frame of reference.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Building a Metrics Program that Matters

In a 2007 Security Executive Council survey, nearly 70 percent of respondents stated that they do not collect security program metrics for the purposes of presenting to senior management.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Delivering Meaningful Metrics

If security continues to mature as a business function, senior management will likely ask for a set of metrics to measure performance. Security leaders should prepare meaningful metrics that inform management and improve security effectiveness.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Security Metrics in Context

Why go through the trouble of applying metrics to your program? George Campbell explores this question in his book, Measures and Metrics in Corporate Security. In this exclusive excerpt, Mr. Campbell describes how metrics improve security's chances for success in various contexts.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Accuracy & Integrity: Essential Metrics Characteristics

We must have accuracy and integrity in our use of data and statistics, or we will undermine our initiatives, our programs and our own standing with senior management. Here are five components of a reliable system for managing metrics-relevant data.
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Insight on Security Metrics

How to Use Metrics

CSOs generate security data every day. Knowing what to look for and how to analyze it can spell success for a security operation and the organization it serves.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Measure Your Metrics

Why measure, why metrics? The fact that established metrics for the full range of security programs are few and far between tells a story about the historical disconnection of these functions from the core businesses they serve. We all know how the risk environment has changed over the past few decades with wake-up calls to Boards and senior management.
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Insight on Security Metrics

What's State-of-the-Art in Security Metrics?

Think about what metrics you should follow in your organization and why you think they are important for the senior management team and have an answer ready when the boss asks what kind of metrics you have in the can.
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Insight on Security Metrics

It’s Time to Get Security Metrics Savvy

Every business manager needs to develop and deliver programs and services that demonstrate measurable results, whether good or bad, positive or negative — and that includes security.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Who's Accountable for Metrics?

Where does accountability lie for the maintenance of a proactive measurements and metrics program? The answer is that it is shared up and down the organization, but the CSO is the initiator who must design and sell the program up and down the chain of accountability.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Enterprise Security Metrics: A Snapshot Assessment of Practices

This SEC report provides an assessment of the current use of metrics in corporate security management.
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