Event Risk Analysis Template

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An Event Risk Analysis template can help identify and organize risk factors to assist organizations in making informed event security decisions. Stakeholders can use the template as a starting place for event security planning, managing and communication.

Make sure all involved parties share a clear understanding of the values that define low, medium and high risk determinations for each risk factor.

Here are a few questions to consider for each risk factor. The full list of risk factor considerations includes more in-depth descriptions of situations that may impact risk for a given event.

  • Executive Presence.
    Does the presence of an executive VP or Board member warrant increased security?

  • Dignitary/VIP Presence.
    Will the event host government officials, celebrities, or other high-visibility attendees whose presence could pose an increased risk to the organization?

  • Intellectual Property/Proprietary Information.
    Could the event expose information that is critical to the core business strategy of the organizations or its partners?

  • Intelligence Factors.
    Will the event be held near a competitor’s facility or in a region deemed high-risk by local or federal law enforcement?

  • Equipment/Physical Assets.
    Will there be high-value physical assets on site before, during or after the event?

  • Media Interest/Presence.
    Will the media cover the event heavily, and how does their presence impact participants?

  • Event Visibility.
    Will the event be of great interest local or internationally?

  • Number of Attendees.
    How will the number of attendees, vendors/contractors, partner companies and competitors impact security risk?

  • Venue/Site Location.
    Is there a risk of terrorist activity, kidnapping, street crime or local protest activity that could impact participant safety?

  • Site Vulnerability.
    Does the event site have adequate access control, connectivity, life safety technology, and disaster mitigation strategy?

  • Environmental Factors.
    Does the site have a high incidence of weather-related emergencies or disaster risks, and what infrastructure is in place to mitigate risk related to these?

  • Uniqueness of Event.
    Is there other information that could impact risk? Is another event being held concurrently at the venue, for instance?

  • Direct/Implied Threat.
    Is there a direct or implied threat against the event or its attendees? This could include stalking, PR risk, or threats of violence.

Event Risk Factors Risk Level Comments
Low Med High
Executive Presence
Dignitary/VIP Presence
Intellectual Property/Proprietary Information
Intelligence Factors
Equipment/Physical Assets
Media Interest/Presence
Event Visibility
Number of Attendees
Venue/Site Location (City/Country Risk)
Site Vulnerability
Environmental Factors
Uniqueness of Event
Direct/Implied Threat

Next Steps
Checklists can help make sure you are not missing critical details. Having experienced experts review your security planning can take your event risk mitigation to the next level. Contact us to discuss your event security concerns.

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