Insight on Corporate Security Career

The SEC’s perspectives on security career development and talent management.

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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Build a High Performing Security Team and Reap the Rewards

Corporate Security is a team sport. From information sharing between security managers to collaboration with other functions for enterprise initiatives like workplace violence prevention and GSOC, Corporate Security relies on a strong, well-functioning team.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

What Is Corporate Security?

Success in today's environment requires organizations to take smart risks – to expand into new territories, invest in innovations, and develop new partnerships and the corporate security function plays a critical role.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Six Ways to Position Yourself for Career Advancement

Finding the corporate security job you want, and then landing it, requires a lot of preparation. It's a long-term process that encompasses everything from clearly identifying your career needs and wants to laying the groundwork of skills and relationships you'll need to get there.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Tips for Negotiating Security Compensation

Few professionals relish the idea of asking for a raise. As much as they would prefer their employers simply recognize their value and adjust salaries and benefits accordingly, that's not generally how things work.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Practitioners New to a Leading Role

You want to make sure your first couple of years run smoothly and your plans come to fruition and add value to the company.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Faculty Advisor: Preparing for the Transition from Public to Private Security

I have decided to apply for security leadership positions in the corporate world once I’ve retired from the public sector. What do I need to do to prepare, and what should I look out for when I begin interviewing?
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Faculty Advisor: Is Transitioning to Private-Sector Security a Good Option for Me?

As a retired law enforcement officer who would like to continue working for 15 more years, I am considering whether a career in corporate security would be a good option.  What steps do I need take to determine if there are enough opportunities in security to make this a good decision? Can you offer some advice on a career path for me?
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Assess Your Skills to Advance Your Career

Many of us don't engage in self-assessments until job searches force us to. But assessing your competencies has benefits beyond interview prep.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Preparing Today’s Security Leaders for the Threats of Tomorrow

Former Starbucks security executive and current SEC Emeritus Faculty member, Francis D'Addario, discusses the challenges facing contemporary CSOs.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Why the CSO Is the Hardest Job in the Company - Part II

Many CSOs have built successful programs despite the challenges. While there is not a definitive set of steps that guarantees success, here are a few tips.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Why the CSO Is the Hardest Job in the Company - Part I

Being a Chief Security Officer has never been easy, but in recent years external and organizational changes have combined to make the CSO role much more complex.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Interviewing Security Candidates in a Talent Shortage

If you are looking to hire a new member of your core security team, you can and should spend a lot of time finding the right mix of skills and personal characteristics that everyone in the company will respect.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Don't Delay Development

Each year, we traditionally look ahead and set goals for ourselves, personally and professionally. Like most things, if development is going to occur for you and your team, it needs to be embedded in the living strategic plan of your organization, rather than a one-time event.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

After You've Moved Into a New Role in Security

Some thoughts on how to engage the business as a new Security Leader.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Faculty Advisor: Building a Successful Security Business Team

I feel that our security department is generally thought of in a positive light in our company. However, I don’t think our business partners look at us as leaders within the company. Any advice how to turn this around?
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Faculty Advisor: Developing Today’s Next Generation Security Leaders

With all the specialty knowledge that certain positions are requiring, whether for new physical security systems, GSOC, and even investigations, how do we develop leaders that can lead these services? How do we best attract, find, develop, and retain the kind of people that are needed for an effective security team?
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Addressing the Knowledge Transfer Gap

How do security executives marry business processes with the job of security risk management? Adding business value. Getting a seat at the table. Running security like a business. Aligning security with the organization. These are the contents of the Holy Grail of security leadership.
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Insight on Corporate Security Career

Faculty Advisor: Take Care of Your Staff and They’ll Take Care of Your Organization

Is there a correlation between establishing positive relationships with employees and the ability to build a strong security organization?
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