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Some Popular Security Executive Council Insight Newsletter Resources

Security's Opportunity in Supply Chain Security
Many organizations still view supply chain security as simple logistics, nothing more than a means to an end. Such organizations are missing an opportunity to improve their assurance, resilience, integrity, and brand protection. Security leaders have a unique potential to bridge functions and add value in addressing supply chain security.

How Concept of Operations Can Build Cross-Functional Partnerships
Imagine trying to launch a workplace violence prevention program without talking to Human Resources or starting a GSOC without bringing in IT. Significant initiatives that require active ongoing participation from other business functions need an extra level of buy-in, justification, and socialization. A concept of operations is a good vehicle for accomplishing that and more.

Workplace Violence Management Guidance for Security Leaders
Regulations requiring organizations to implement measures to protect employees against violence in the workplace provide companies an opportunity to take action that shows their workforces across the board - not only in regulated areas - that they prioritize employee safety.

Collaboration Is Key to Expanding the Definition of Security
Businesses today operate within a much more complex, sophisticated, and interconnected competitive universe than they did 20 or even 10 years ago. One of the impacts of these transformations on Corporate Security is that cross-functional partnerships have become a risk management imperative.

Intelligence Analysis in the Private Sector: Growth, Challenges, and Applications
Intelligence analysis promises the ability to see around corners, providing relevant and detailed insights that can allow a business to foresee and limit certain risks while leveraging others for new competitive advantage. Despite companies' embrace of intelligence analysis, misconceptions persist about what private-sector intelligence analysis is and how it can aid organizations.

Six Steps of Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is among the first steps in all risk frameworks, standards and guidelines. Unfortunately, our research has shown that most security programs are not based on formal risk assessments. In this video we discuss how to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment according to ISO 31000, and how SEC Collective Knowledge can help along the way.

The Nine Practices of the Successful Security Leader
Collected from interviews with security leaders at public and private-sector organizations of all sizes, these practices are a sampling of what is vital and what works. With this information, security professionals can gain insight into the practices of their peers, measure their own success, and mentor junior colleagues.

What Should Be Included in Your Guard Force Service Agreement?
The uniformed security force tends to be one of the largest items in the budget for security functions. One way to ensure those dollars are effectively and efficiently spent is to carefully craft the service agreement. Here is some guidance and an abbreviated sample service agreement for Security Guard Services.

Mini Self-Assessment – Does Your WPV Prevention Program Need Work?
Security practitioners have a duty of care to protect employees at all levels from injury and death on the job. The SEC teamed up with interns from Mercyhurst University to investigate the state of workplace violence in the U.S. Here is a self-assessment for corporate security practitioners to determine whether their workplace violence prevention program requires attention.

Managing and Defending a Security Budget: Laying a Foundation
Don't be unprepared for a change that could dramatically affect Security's budget. This article provides valuable insight for corporate security leaders on how to strategically address budgetary issues. These tips can assist in increasing senior management's awareness of security's value to the organization.

Key Performance Indicators in Security
Incorporating key performance indicators (KPI) into a robust security metrics program can improve your confidence and influence with senior management. This video addresses why KPIs are valuable, how to select the right ones, what they should consist of, finding the data, and examples.

Are You Thinking Strategically?
If you find yourself asking why you can't convince the business of the value of the security function, why you struggle to influence executives for support or change, and why you never seem to have time to develop your own skills or the skills of your staff, an imbalance between tactical and strategic thinking may be part of the problem.