As companies continue to look for ways to reduce expenses, senior security and compliance managers will be challenged to justify compensation levels for themselves and their employees. If they can’t, their departments will be left vulnerable to budget cuts that could damage their workforce and quality prospects for new hires. But it is difficult to justify salaries without reliable and accurate market information on compensation trends in the field.
The 11th annual Security & Compliance Compensation Survey report can help with these challenges by providing verifiable data that can be incorporated into compensation planning to help justify salary expenditures. Focused exclusively on security positions, the survey report will include more than 160 pages of text and tables detailing the compensation practices for 73 executive, management, professional and technical positions.
Each organization that participates in the 2012 survey will receive the comprehensive printed survey report for only $600. An electronic version is also available to allow in-depth analysis. Organizations that do not participate in the survey will be able to purchase the printed survey report for $1,025.
Time is running out to participate. Survey input will be accepted until January 31, and the complete survey report will become available in March. To learn more, click here.
The Security Executive Council published a second edition of the book Security Careers, by Jerry Brennan and Foushée Group’s Steve Walker, which incorporates more than 70 full security job descriptions along with compensation data from the 2009 survey. Click here for more information.
About Foushée Group Inc.
The Foushée Group, Inc. is a nationwide management consulting firm specializing in compensation program design and research. The firm’s staff has conducted comprehensive compensation studies and specific projects for more than 1,100 organizations in a wide range of industries. Since 1986, the Foushée Group has focused their efforts on researching the pay practices of security, compliance, ethics, environmental, health and safety occupations.
About the Security Executive Council
The Security Executive Council ( is a leading problem-solving research and services organization focused on helping businesses effectively manage and mitigate risk. Drawing on the collective knowledge of a large community of successful security practitioners, subject matter experts, and strategic alliance partners, the Council provides strategy, insight and proven practices that cannot be found anywhere else. Our research, services, and tools work to help security leaders initiate, enhance or innovate security programs; build their leadership skills; and bring quantifiable value to their organizations.
Media Contact:
Marleah Blades
Manager, External Relations
+1 202 730 9971