Hummel Brings Loss Prevention Expertise to SEC

October 29, 2024 – The Security Executive Council (SEC) proudly welcomes Phil Hummel as our newest Subject Matter Expert.

“Phil is a pioneer in exception reporting,” said Bob Hayes, Managing Director of the SEC. “With his help we hope to go beyond its use in retail and incorporate these techniques into corporate security waste, fraud and misuse identification efforts. We are excited to have this level of expertise in our fold.”

Phil Hummel founded the Loss Prevention business function at Starbucks Coffee and recruited his successor. He directed a profit improvement team that researched, designed, and implemented the first point-of-sale exception-based reporting program in the industry. He was recognized by Starbucks’ CFO and leadership when his program increased earnings (before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) by 2%. He has directed investigative protocols for additional millions in asset recovery.

Phil advises globally recognized brands in implementing anomaly and exception reporting. His restaurant quality assurance operations experience has served him well. He formerly was a Director, Franchise Support Services at KFC. Phil served a 3-year term on the Board of the Restaurant Security Loss Prevention Association (RLSP) and was the president of the association. He additionally advised the ASIS International Retail Council and has presented as a subject matter expert at the National Retail Federation Loss Prevention summit and other events.

The SEC is the only research and advisory firm to exclusively use former corporate security senior leaders from leading Fortune 500 companies as our subject matter experts. Our team leverages their experience and knowledge to help other security leaders excel.

Read the bios of all of the SEC team on our Who We Are page.

About the Security Executive Council
The Security Executive Council is the leading research and advisory firm focused on corporate security risk mitigation strategies and plans. We work with security leaders to transform security programs into more capable and valued centers of excellence. Watch our two-minute video for an overview or visit us at

Media Contact:
Marleah Blades
Manager, External Relations
+1 202 730 9971
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