The Overlap of Security Protection for At-Risk Personnel

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Protecting a corporation’s personnel is clearly an important imperative. Many medium to large companies have executive protection, travel security, event security and workplace violence management programs. The goals are similar but there are also interconnections and interdependencies between them. Using executive protection as an example:

  • When high-level executives travel, it is necessary to coordinate with the travel security team to ensure safe transit and secure accommodations. They need to know potential threats at each destination, ensuring their safety from departure to arrival.
  • During events, executives might interact with many people, raising their exposure to potential threats. The protection team coordinates closely with event security to manage access control, crowd control, and emergency response plans.
  • High-level executives might be targets for workplace violence. Protection teams work with or are a part of the workplace violence management team, understanding and mitigating potential risks within the workplace.

Communication and sharing between these programs are critical for successful protection of at-risk personnel. The following portrays some of the overlap.

A Venn diagram showing the overlap of executive protection, event security, travel security, and workplace violence mitigation. The overlap is protecting at-risk personnel.

Common Security Strategies:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Proactive Measures
  • Contingency Planning
  • Education and Training
  • Cross-Functional Coordination
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • Threat Prevention
  • Crisis Response

Risks in Common:

  • Physical Threats/Harm
  • Psychological Stress
  • Operational Disruption
  • Reputational Damage
  • Legal Liabilities
  • Lost Productivity
  • Employee Turnover

The components of the four security programs are interconnected, forming a web of precautions and response strategies to protect individuals from various threats. By addressing these components, you can create a robust security plan that minimizes risks and ensures the safety of personnel in various scenarios.

Next Steps

The Security Executive Council consists of successful security leaders with extensive experience assessing and building programs protecting at-risk personnel for major corporations. You can tap into their knowledge to ensure your programs are optimally suited for your organization. Contact Us discuss your situation and learn more.

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