Security Barometer Results: Workplace Violence Prevention Programs

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With the State of California new extensive workplace violence prevention program law coming into effect July 2024, we can expect more and more organizations are ensuring they meet similar standards.

This Security Barometer quick poll wanted to investigate how the new law might affect work place violence programs in general.

Over 80% of respondents felt they are or will be subject to the California workplace violence prevention law.

chart showing 63% of respondents are or will be subject to state of California workplace violence prevention law

Almost 90% of respondents represented organizations that currently have a workplace prevention/mitigation program in place.

chart showing that 87% of respondents have a workplace violence prevention/mitigation program in their organization

Of those that had a WPV program only 58% felt that the program would meet the California law requirements.

chart showing that 58% of respondents feel their workplace violence program would meet California requirements if it had to

When asked who participated in the development of their WPV program, 87% utilized existing staff and 45% utilized external consultants. 29% respondents inherited an already existing program. (Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer for this question).

chart showing that 87% of respondents worked with internal staff to develop their workplacce violence program, 45% with external consultants, and 29% inherited an already existing program

The poll allowed participants to share comments and explanations for their answers. Some interesting themes include:
  • Quite a few participants met most of the California requirements but needed to add specific elements such as training or allowing access to investigation and corrective action records.
  • Some participants felt the law helped to bring attention of WPV to executive management offering them the opportunity to improve their programs.
  • For larger organizations, meeting the requirements may be law in their California facilities, but some are now moving to expand those requirements to locations outside of the California jurisdiction.

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