Insight on Demonstrating Value

The SEC’s perspectives on communicating value and building influence.

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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Five Free Assessments to Measure Program Success

When senior management asks you to explain how well the Security function operates, how it delivers value, or how it measures up, do you have data to back up your answer? If not, the SEC has 5 free abbreviated assessments that can start you on the path to measured success.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Three Steps to Overcoming Security Challenges: Develop a Stable Foundation, Optimize Security’s Story, Recognize Opportunities and Limitations

Baffled by executives’ lack of engagement? Sidelined by negative feedback on risk management decisions? Constantly battling internal customers’ unwillingness to comply with policies?
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Your Business is Changing. How Does Security Keep Up?

By reimagining risk and security, you can weather the storms of change and come out stronger.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Often Missed Key Strategies That Can Undermine Your Program and Career

Achieve success by aligning to what is attainable in your organization.
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Insight on Demonstrating Value

Discovering the Total Cost of Security (Parts 1-4)

In this presentation, the late Dick Lefler, SEC emeritus faculty, discusses what security actually costs a company, not just what is in Security's budget.
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