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Security Barometer - Supply Chain Security

To improve their security posture, organizations are putting a greater focus on their supply chain. However, when many think of supply chain security they only think of trucks and logistics. We urge you to think of the bigger picture.

In our minds Supply Chain Security is comprised of the controls, processes and systems specifically put in place to reduce risk across the supply chain life cycle, from supplier onboarding through product integrity and providing customer assurance.

Take this poll to provide your input and instantly see how your peers responded.

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(This question is mandatory)
Does your corporate security department have personnel that spend 25% or more of their time on supply chain security?
Which of the following areas of supply chain security is the team involved in?
Is senior management aware that corporate security can add value to all the areas shown in the previous question?
Please use this space to provide explanations for your answers or any comments regarding this survey.